Fullerton Chinese Online Summer School
Learn Chinese language & culture based by theme
Student Driven Mandarin conversation (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Chinese culture activities (History, Idiom Story Telling, Chapter book)
Gamification (Bingo, Kahoot!, Quizlet, Classdojo, Spot it, Word Search, Simon says)
Experienced Fullerton Chinese School teachers (Chinese as Second Language)
學費 Tuition (per session)
$350 (Mon~Fri)
$300 (Mon~Thur)
$200 (weekly)
報名費 Registration Fee
(含書本材料費 Text books & material fee included)
$30 (One-Time, Per Student)
折扣 Discount (by session)
$25 off Early Bird
$25 off Sibling Discount (per family)
班級人數: 4人以上開班, 最多7位學生
年齡限制: K~8年級, 18+ 成人班 (TCML)
中文課授課老師: 由富樂頓中文學校優秀教師授課
學生導向, 按學生程度分班教學,使用教材與富樂頓中文學校週六班不同。
除中文語言教學外, 也透過文化課程增加學習的動機, 有趣的活動: 童謠, 數來寶, 繞口令, 文化節慶, 詩歌朗誦, 戲劇...
Interactive Programs
Class Size: Minim 4 students, maximum 7 students
Age: K~8th, 18+ Adult Classes (TCML)
Chinese Language/Culture Teachers: Experienced Fullerton Chinese School teachers
Interactive Programs:
Student driven teaching, includes Beginning , Intermediate and Advanced Classes: Pinyin or Zhuyin classes
Program includes small group daily Chinese conversation, and cultural activities: Chinese art, storytelling, tongue twisters, songs, nursery rhymes, and riddles.
課程表 Bell Schedule (Session I)
Fullerton Chinese School keeps the right of modifying the schedule. 富樂頓中文學校保留更動課程的權利
費 用 Fee
To complete the online registration, please mail the payment to the address below. Make check payable to FCCA. Mailing Address: FCCA, P.O. Box 2370, La Habra, CA 90632
每期學費 Session Tuition
學費 Tuition (每期二週 2 weeks per session)
$350 (週一~週五Monday~Friday)
$300 (週一~週四Monday~Thursday)
報名費 Registration Fee
(含書本材料費 Text books & material fee included)
$30 / 報名費 (不退款) Registration fee (non refundable)
早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount:
4/30 前報名 $25折扣優惠 $25 off by 4/30
家庭優惠 Sibling Discount:
第二位學生$25折扣優惠 (每家庭單位) $25 off 2nd+ student (same household)