2024年 校外學術比賽
🏆 頒獎典禮將在 12/01/2024 星期日下午2點,於洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心舉行(9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731)
1:30 前報到。如果有特殊原因無法到場,請安排他人代領。
thanksgiving Sale
目前 11/18 星期六看起來是下雨天,我們會盡力看看如何為這天的惜福感恩商店做最大的努力。同時,我們還將在 12/2 再次進行一次惜福感恩商店的活動,希望能夠獲得更好的成果。如果 11/18 您未能參與活動,那麼 12/2 將會是最後的一次機會。期望我們大家一起攜手,在這個充滿感恩的季節,創造一個充滿感恩與很有意義的惜福感恩商店活動。感恩大家。
It looks like Saturday 11/18 is going to be a rainy day, however, we will try our best to see how we can make the best effort for secondhand resales on 11/18. At the same time, we will also conduct the event again on 12/2, hoping to achieve better results. If you are unable to attend the event on 11/18, 12/2 will be your last chance. We hope we can all work together to create a grateful and meaningful secondhand resales event during this Thanksgiving season. Thank you.
2023年 校外學術比賽
🏆 頒獎典禮將在 12/03/23 星期日下午2點,於洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心舉行(9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731)
1:30 前報到。如果有特殊原因無法到場,請安排他人代領。
實體 In Person
網路 On Line
FCCA is looking into providing extra-curricular Chinese classes, cultural seminars and special topic webinars for students and families. Your opinion is very important to us. This information will help FCCA understand your needs and interests better. Please take a few minutes to complete the following short survey by Saturday 11/21. Participants will receive 1 service point for completing the survey.
FCCA 計劃為目前的學生提供中文輔助課程,為家庭提供文化課程和特殊興趣講習班。您的意見非常重要,這將幫助FCCA 了解家長和學生的興趣和需求。請於 11 月 21 日星期六完成之前以下簡短的調查,參與此調查者將可以拿到服務點數一點:
FCS Virtual Office
每週六上課日 9:00 am~11:30 am, Every School Saturdays
Meeting ID: 992 3365 1399
Passcode: welcome
FCS 中文學校 Google 教室家長工具箱
中文學校網路教室家長工具箱即將在 11 月份啟動。身為家長,您將會從電郵得到老師寄出有關學校重要的資訊和孩子上課的成績與進度。若您還未激活孩子的中文學校電郵帳號,敬請盡快申請激活。若您需要這方面得幫助,請用以下連結與我們聯絡:
FCS Google Classroom Guardian Feature
The Google Classroom guardian feature is going to be activated in November. As a guardian, you can get email summaries about your student’s activity in Classroom as well as any important messages from your teacher and school. If you have not yet activated your student’s new school email account, please activate it as soon as possible. If you need help, please go to:
https://www.fullertonchinese.org/fcs/申請學校 email