
Student Reward Shop

2023/3/18 期中


2022 Happy Halloween Shop

學生點數換禮品領取 Student Awards Pickup

日期 Date: 5/22/21

時間 Time: 1:30pm~3:00pm 

地點 Location: First Evangelical Community Church

2121 E. Wilshire Ave.,

Fullerton, CA 92831

這次為本學期最後一次獎品兌換, 未使用完的點數可留至下學年; 但已兌換的點數獎品請於5/22領取, 逾期不候, 已使用點數及獎品將歸零 

學生獎品兌換商店即將在 3/6 開張。各班老師將通知小朋友他們因準時上課、做作業等各樣良好行為所賺得的點數。小朋友可用這些點數來換取獎品。我們將至各班讓學生選取獎品, 若來不及或要更改的請在11:30~11:50am 至雲端辦公室

The student reward shop will open on 3/6. Students will find out how many points they have earned from their teachers for class attendance, activities participation, and completion of homework. On 3/6, they will be able to use their points to make a purchase at the reward shop.

School volunteer parents will join each class ZOOM to process award shop. If you can't make it or change mind, please come to the virtual office 11:30~11:50am.


Meeting ID: 992 3365 1399     Passcode: welcome

2020 學生獎勵商品兌換目錄 Student Rewards Item List.pdf

Student Award Wish List 

Nearly all items in our Student Reward Shops have been generously donated by either teachers or past volunteer families of FCCA.  This year, we have created an Amazon Wishlist to help replenish the Student Reward Shop. 
