
Sunshine Choir

陽光合唱團是在1992年由一群喜愛合唱的中文學校家長在富樂頓成立, 並固定於每週六上午借用 Sunny Hills High School的 音樂教室練唱。

25年來在黃紀美老師,高芬芬老師以及現任指揮李慧玲老師的耐心調教下,團員們在發聲樂理節奏及合聲上都有長足的進步。 我們除了參加每年的海華文藝季演出,並有多次發表演唱會和友團的聯合演出,以及支持華人協會籌款的演唱更於2013年和2015年成功地演出了音樂劇光陰的故事移民的故事。團員中雖然沒有專業的編劇演員和聲樂家,但憑藉著彼此多年的合作默契和對音樂的熱情,將人生經歷及優美的合唱結合展現在舞台上,感動了所有台下聆賞的觀眾。


Organized initially as an member activity group within the Fullerton Chinse Cultural Association in 1994, the Fullerton Sunshine Choir, 富樂頓陽光合唱團, grown continuously into the highly acclaimed choir group of today.

Through its 20 years of continuing operation, the Sunshine Choir has participated in a great number of events, throughout Southern California, as well as performing within the Fullerton Chinese Cultural Association.

The Sunshine Choir continues to strive for its excellence by inviting the best choir directors, top piano accompanimentist, and, most importantly, highly enthusiast members. Together, the Sunshine Choir helps promote Chinese culture in Southern California, and at the same time, brings together people with common interests.


指揮: 李慧玲老師 伴奏: 周佳蓉老師 團長: 于劍芳 副團長: 徐文平

女高音: 李佩綸,金斐然,曹素娥,王珠,胡萍萍,潘台莉,段萃康,蔣芃芃,崔麗文,王美,王玉錦,魏英仁,于劍芳

女中音: 黃淑玲,賈心悅,郭鍾珍,鄭麗理,王嘉寧,趙安容,徐文平李美蓮,陳晰薰,韋嘉瑜,楊志淑

男高音: 蔣達華,闕清華,种衍凱,馮光慶,薛力民,黃榮富,林振寰牟致遠,鄧元義林全宇

男低音: 張希彬,儲重慶,李文夢,廖運城,劉清,嚴增晧