Fullerton Chinese Summer School
{AM} Learn Chinese language & culture in fun environment
Mandarin conversation (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Chinese culture activities (KungFu, Folk Dance, Chinese YoYo, Calligraphy)
Fun activities (Cooking, Drama Play, Puppet Play, Craft)
{PM} Enrichment: Math/STEM, Enrichment: ELA (Reading/Writing)
Chinese Folk Sports & Dance Week (specialist teachers from Taiwan)
{AM} Experienced Fullerton Chinese School teachers (Chinese as Second Language)
{PM} School District certified ELA/Math/STEM teachers
學費 Tuition (per session)
$570/$520 Full Day (I, III/II)
$360/$330 Half Day (I, III/II)
$300 (weekly)
報名費 Registration Fee
(含書本材料費 Text books & material fee included)
$30 (One-Time, Per Student)
折扣 Discount (by session)
$50 off Early Bird
$50 off Sibling Discount (per family)
學生請自備中餐或點心 Please bring lunch or snacks for students.
班級人數: 4人以上開班, 最多10位學生
年齡限制: K~8年級, 18+ 成人班 (TCML)
上午中文課授課老師: 由富樂頓中文學校優秀教師授課
下午英數加強班授課老師: 由富樂頓學區教師授課
除中文語言教學外, 也透過文化課程增加學習的動機, 有趣的活動: 童謠, 數來寶, 繞口令, 文化節慶, 詩歌朗誦, 戲劇...
Interactive Programs
Class Size: Minim 4 students, maximum 10 students
Age: K~8th, 18+ Adult Classes (TCML)
Chinese Language/Culture Teachers: Experienced Fullerton Chinese School teachers
Enhancement Teachers: Certified Fullerton School District teachers
Interactive Programs:
Beginning , Intermediate and Advanced Classes: Pinyin or Zhuyin classes
Program includes small group daily Chinese conversation, and cultural activities: Chinese art, storytelling, tongue twisters, songs, nursery rhymes, and riddles.
課程表 Bell Schedule (Session I)
Fullerton Chinese School keeps the right of modifying the schedule. 富樂頓中文學校保留更動課程的權利
費 用 Fee
To complete the online registration, please mail the payment to the address below. Make check payable to FCCA. Mailing Address: FCCA, P.O. Box 2370, La Habra, CA 90632
每期學費 Session Tuition
學費 Tuition (每期二週 2 weeks per session)
$570 (全天課程 full day) /$520*
$360 (半天課程 half day AM) /$330*
*第二期(7/4不上課) Session II (7/4 no school)
報名費 Registration Fee
(含書本材料費 Text books & material fee included)
$30 / 報名費 (不退款) Registration fee (non refundable)
早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount:
4/30 前報名 $50折扣優惠 $50 off by 4/30
家庭優惠 Sibling Discount:
第二位學生$50折扣優惠 (每家庭單位) $50 off 2nd+ student (same household)