
Fullerton Chinese Summer School 

Date & Time:


(1710 Rosecrans Ave, Fullerton, CA 92833 )

 學費 Tuition (per session)

報名費 Registration Fee

(含書本材料費 Text books & material fee included) 

折扣 Discount (by session)

學生請自備中餐或點心 Please bring lunch or snacks for students.


班級人數: 4人以上開班,  最多10位學生

年齡限制: K~8年級, 18+ 成人班 (TCML)

上午中文課授課老師: 由富樂頓中文學校優秀教師授課

下午英數加強班授課老師: 由富樂頓學區教師授課



除中文語言教學外, 也透過文化課程增加學習的動機,  有趣的活動: 童謠, 數來寶, 繞口令, 文化節慶, 詩歌朗誦, 戲劇...





Interactive Programs

Class Size: Minim 4 students, maximum 10 students

Age:    K~8th, 18+ Adult Classes (TCML)

Chinese Language/Culture Teachers: Experienced Fullerton Chinese School teachers

Enhancement  Teachers: Certified Fullerton School District teachers

Interactive Programs: 

    Beginning , Intermediate and Advanced Classes:  Pinyin or Zhuyin classes  

    Program  includes  small group daily Chinese conversation, and  cultural activities: Chinese art, storytelling, tongue twisters, songs,  nursery rhymes, and riddles.

課程表 Bell Schedule (Session I)

Fullerton Chinese School keeps the right of modifying the schedule. 富樂頓中文學校保留更動課程的權利

費 用  Fee

To complete the online registration, please mail the payment to the address below.  Make check payable to FCCA.  Mailing Address:  FCCA, P.O. Box 2370, La Habra, CA 90632

每期學費 Session Tuition

學費 Tuition (每期2 weeks per session)

*第二期(7/4不上課) Session II (7/4 no school)

報名費 Registration Fee

 (含書本材料費 Text books & material fee included) 

優惠 Early Bird Discount:  

家庭優惠 Sibling Discount:  

兩位學生課程費用 Tuition for Two Students 

線上報名 / 聯絡方式 

Registration / Contact Info

Phone :  657-378-8645 

ShiHwa Yuan, Summer School Principal 

  email: summer@fullertonchinese.org